
Arrows Apostolate

Arrows Rugby hosts spiritual formation programming during the Fall, Spring, and Summer. This Fall, we hosted our all-new "BrewTube" program. Stocked by Club Partner Platypus Brewery (on Washington Ave) and led by Apostolate Director Andy Maul, attendees enjoyed a thought-provoking series of YouTube videos and engaged in conversation over a cold, post-training brew.
As displayed above, our Program Finale session was held at Ship Channel Trading (in Garden Oaks) - another Club Partner who sell Arrows-branded coffee and protein. (a portion of these sales go straight back to Arrows RFC)

INTO THE BREACH - Knights of Columbus

BrewTube leans heavily on the great Into the Breach video series developed by the Knights of Columbus.

BrewTube Program Overview

Below is the outline of our Fall 2021 program, broken down by session with the actual videos we watched before discussion.

BrewTube #1: What is authentic masculinity?

Forgetting yourself and being a servant to those around you

Secular Perspective:

Learn more about Jordan Peterson on his website: https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/

Catholic Perspective:

BrewTube #2: Why men need a band of brothers?

Men desire camaraderie with other heroic men.

Secular Perspective:

Catholic Perspective:

BrewTube #3: Why strong fathers are so needed?

The more responsibility you take on, the more meaning your life will have. Do something difficult and heroic.

Secular Perspective:

Catholic Perspective:

BrewTube #4: Why men need to pray?

God communicates to us in the silence of our hearts.

Secular Perspective:

Catholic Perspective:

BrewTube #5: What is the meaning of life?

To know God, to love God, to serve God.

Secular Perspective:

Catholic Perspective:

Next for Arrows Apostolate

In the Spring, we'll kick up our 3rd year of Arrows Tales. Check out a few original sessions of those here:

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2021-22 Season made possible by Premier Partner:

LEARN MORE about Arrows Club Partnership.

Learn more about our partnership with Ship Channel Trading for coffee and protein supplements. 

Inaugural Season Jerseys
2017-18 Jerseys

Arrows RFC is a Catholic community with the purpose of forming men in Christian virtue through competitive Rugby. 

Learn more about the Club's Mission and Code of Conduct by CLICKING HERE.

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